jQuery Unobscure Text

Unobscure Text is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to apply a different style to text as soon as a target element scrolls into it. This is useful in cases where you have a fixed header with a transparent background, and you want the header text to remain legible when an image with the same color as the text is scrolled underneath the text.

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Getting Started

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script>
<script src="/js/jquery.unobscure.js"></script>

Step 2: Call the plugin method

Make sure this comes after the two required JavaScript files from Step 1 are loaded.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#menu a').unobscure({
    target: '#promos img',
    textCss: 'color:#fff'

In the example above, #menu a will be applied the CSS color:#fff when #promos img scrolls into it.

NOTE: The element the plugin is invoked on (e.g., #menu a) should always point to the text’s immediate parent.


Name Type Default Description
target string ’’ Selector to the obstruction element.
textCss string ’’ The style to apply to the text when target scrolls into it.

To change the default options, add this line once before making the first call to the plugin method:

$.fn.unobscure.defaults.textCss = 'color:#fff';



Choose from one of the following methods: